After leaving the Cameron Highlands we passed by Ipoh and Taiping before reaching Penang Island. We were hosted by a warmshower couple living north of Taiping. We took the opportunity, crossing the main city, to cycle through the Lake Gardens, a beautiful park made of small islands. The road to our home for the night was really nice, especially when we cycled in a lush vegetation, between small villages. We were lucky to avoid the heavy rain that followed us. After a warm welcome, our hosts showed us Kamunting night market and invited us for a delicious dinner. As they have been cycling a lot in Malaysia, they had useful tips for the rest of our trip.

The next day, we reached Butterworth from where we took the ferry (bikes are not allowed on both bridges). We stayed in Penang for two days not only to recover, but also because we were ahead of schedule for our next friends gathering. We stayed in George Town, exploring the streets, doing many pictures in front of the wall art (we couldn’t miss the one with our bikes at the arrival), the clan jetties and the nice coffee places (with Wi-Fi!).

It was also time for a laundry. It is always a relieve to find back clean clothes. We tasted some local delights: homemade spinach noodles, wan tan mee, dumplings, kaya toast with eggs and Indian food. A nice change from the traditional nasi goreng on the road.

This time was useful to plan our last days in Malaysia and to decide how we are going to reach Thailand. Indeed, we plan to spend a bit of island time in-between both countries.
See more photos in the gallery.
Bravo les amis! Nous suivons votre voyage avec joie et sommes en pensées avec vous. Sommes au ski chez Laurent et Caroline d’où nous vous envoyons plein de Kiss.
Fantastique periple. Que de decouvertes et quel accueil !
C’est très chouette d vous suivre, nous sommes heureux de voir que tout « roule » pour vous. Bisous. Les Sib’s
SUPER, quelle belle expérience ! gros gros kiss à vous 2
Bon courage Continuez mais soyez prudent car nous tenons à vous chers neveux
Tres chouette de suivre vos aventures! Soyez prudents! Kiss kiss de Suisse…on vous envoie de jolis flocons!
Ahhh voilà j’ai enfin pris le temps de lire vos articles ! Trop chouettes photos et explications. Je suis impatiente de lire la suite !